Lisarow’s Pacific Highway duplication on track

Aug 28, 2020

Work is progressing well on the duplication of the Pacific Highway between Ourimbah Street and Parsons Road at Lisarow, providing an employment boost for hundreds of workers.

Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast and Member for Terrigal Adam Crouch said the NSW Government had committed $178 million to widen the highway to two lanes in each direction.

“We have now reached the 18 month milestone on this project which will improve traffic flow, travel times and safety for about 30,000 motorists who travel along this section of highway each day,” Mr Crouch said.

“About 1,000 people from 156 companies have already worked on the project so far.

“On any given day, there are around 80 people on the construction site, which just goes to show what a significant flow-on effect this $178 million project is having for the Central Coast economy.”

Mr Crouch said the key feature of the 1.6 kilometre upgrade is a new bridge across the rail line to replace the existing bridge at Railway Crescent.

“The fantastic team from Transport for NSW and contractor Daracon Group are powering along. 50 per cent of the foundation work is now complete and nearly 70 per cent of the utility relocation work has been undertaken,” Mr Crouch said.

“This includes water, sewer, gas, Telstra, NBN and electrical services. Incredibly, this work required more than six kilometres of trenching.

“The next steps of work include earthwork for the new road, installation of storm water drainage, and building retaining walls near Lisarow cemetery and The Ridgeway.”

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