Tender Awarded for Terrigal Boardwalk

12 Mar 2020 regional_development

Land & Marine Group has secured the contract to deliver the long-awaited boardwalk and viewing platform between Terrigal Beach and The Haven.

Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast and Member for Terrigal Adam Crouch said 2,000 residents had signed a petition supporting the project.


“A boardwalk at Terrigal has been talked about for decades and I am thrilled that the tender has been awarded for work to finally begin,” Mr Crouch said.


“Despite Central Coast Council’s own survey showing 81 per cent of the community supports a boardwalk, every single Labor Councillor voted against the project. It is disappointing their opposition to such a fantastic project has delayed construction.”


Mr Crouch said construction was expected to begin in late April.


“Council expects construction to begin after the April school holidays and will occur in conjunction with the replacement of the ocean pool,” Mr Crouch said.


“The boardwalk will be 277 metres long and include integrated seating, lighting and a viewing platform.


“This project will transform the way people are able to access Terrigal – particularly for parents with prams, people with disability and the elderly.”


Central Coast Council Mayor Lisa Matthews said: “This project will significantly improve pedestrian access between Terrigal Beach promenade and The Haven, providing a more inclusive accessible route so everyone in our community can enjoy this space. In addition, this project will help grow tourism and boost the local economy.


“We have listened to the community and taken onboard feedback received during community consultation activities – which demonstrated a majority of support from residents.


“We are grateful to the NSW Government for funding of a project which will deliver many social, heath and economic benefits for our community. This project is an example of what can be achieved when all levels of government work together alongside the community.”