
13 Jun 2020

M1 Pacific Motorway upgrade now complete

The final project in a suite of upgrades to deliver safer and more efficient journeys on the M1 Pacific Motorway is now complete, with the last section between Tuggerah and Doyalson opening to three lanes today at 110 kilometres per hour.

02 Jun 2020

Roll on NorthConnex

Motorists will benefit from 15 minute travel time savings and journeys from Newcastle to Melbourne without any traffic lights, with NorthConnex set to open in a few months’ time.

29 May 2020

Final Upgrade on the M1 nears completion

The final project in a suite of upgrades to the M1 Motorway is forging ahead, with the northbound section between Tuggerah and Doyalson opening to three lanes tomorrow at 80 kilometres per hour.

28 May 2020

M1 Upgrade passes major milestone

The second of three major upgrades to the M1 designed to improve journeys on one of Australia’s busiest roads is now complete, with the Kariong to Somersby upgrade opened to traffic today.