Over 700 Responses Help Shape The Central Coast Strategy

17 Mar 2021 regional_development

The results are in following a seven-week consultation period conducted to help shape the region’s first Central Coast Strategy.

Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast and Member for Terrigal Adam Crouch said the Premier had tasked the GSC (Greater Sydney Commission) with developing a Central Coast Strategy to deliver new jobs, businesses and opportunities.


“We first called for feedback in December and over a seven-week period, the GSC received 306 survey responses, 298 poll answers and 132 idea contributions,” Mr Crouch said.


“Receiving input from residents, business owners, industry stakeholders, the local council and Government agencies is a vital part of forming a vision for the future.


“Six areas of interest have been identified and this feedback – which is being analysed and considered while drafting the Strategy – will quite literally shape the Central Coast’s future.”


Mr Crouch said the Central Coast Strategy would identify opportunities for employment, education and economic growth, with the aim of supporting existing industries while also attracting new businesses and investment to the Central Coast.


“This is not just another policy or planning document,” Mr Crouch said.


“The Central Coast is a unique region and requires unique solutions, which is why a dedicated team of GSC staff have been specially tasked by the Premier with developing and delivering this Strategy.


“The finishing touches of the Central Coast Strategy are now being finalised and its release is expected in April.”


For more information, go to: https://gsc-public-1.s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/central_coast_strategy_-_what_we_heard.pdf


Sample question asked: What do you think is key to the Central Coast’s economic future?


Proportion of respondents

Jobs closer to home


Attracting new business


Better transport connectivity


Education and training opportunities


Better digital connectivity
