Learn To Swim Vouchers Make A Splash This Summer

02 Nov 2021 education sports

The NSW Government’s new $54 million learn to swim voucher program will be expanded from preschool-aged children to include kindergarten kids who missed out on lessons due to COVID restrictions.

Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast and Member for Terrigal Adam Crouch MP said under the ‘First Lap’ program, eligible children from across the Central Coast will have access to a $100 voucher for swimming lessons with an approved provider from December 1.


“Summer on the Central Coast is all about swimming, we are so lucky to be surrounded by some of the best beaches in the country,” Mr Crouch said


“It is important our children have access to quality swim education in order to develop the skills they need to stay safe around water. 


“We know families have been doing it tough during the COVID-19 lockdown and the First Lap program will ensure children receive these skills without families receiving a hit to the hip pocket.


“Due to COVID-19 restrictions, our kindy kids have missed a crucial window of being able to develop these vital life skills.


“It’s really important they don’t miss out, which is why the NSW Government has extended the program to kindergarten children who were unable to attend swimming lessons due to COVID-19 restrictions.


“This announcement couldn’t have come at a better time, now that pools are back open for lessons.


“I encourage every family across the Central Coast who is eligible to take advantage of this program. We have so many talented learn to swim schools throughout our community, including Sarah and the team at 5 Star Swim Schools.”


Families can apply for the First Lap vouchers from 1 December, through the Service NSW app.


For more information, visit: www.sport.nsw.gov.au/firstlap