Intern Doctors welcomed to Gosford and Wyong

21 Jan 2021 health

Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast and Member for Terrigal Adam Crouch today welcomed 68 medical graduates to Central Coast Local Health District, part of the 2021 annual intake of intern doctors funded by the NSW Government.

Mr Crouch said the new intern doctors would perform a vital role at the frontline of the health system.


“These 68 medical graduates will be based at Gosford and Wyong Hospitals across a range of departments as part of their two year contract,” Mr Crouch said.


“As the proud husband of a nurse at Gosford Hospital I know that the medical workforce is the backbone of our health system.


“The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded all of us that having a strong health system in NSW is vital to keeping our community healthy and safe.


“Thank you to each of the 68 intern doctors for choosing a profession that enables them to support our Central Coast community, and I would like wish them every success as they progress their careers.”


Mr Crouch said the intern doctors would benefit from training with the Central Coast’s best and most experienced medical professionals.


“Over their two years of work, more senior medical staff will always be on-hand to offer support and guidance to these new graduates,” Mr Crouch said.


“At the end of the first year each intern doctor will obtain their general registration with the Medical Board of Australia. The second year then focuses on consolidating professional practice and experience.”


This year, NSW has a record number of 1,041 intern doctor positions, which is an increase of 35 per cent since 2011.