IBM to partner with Central Coast High Schools

09 Nov 2020 education

The NSW Government has today welcomed the launch of a trailblazing industry-school technology training program at three Central Coast high schools.

Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast and Member for Terrigal Adam Crouch said the P-TECH program is a global education program that IBM first developed in the United States in 2011, and now boasts 600 industry partners in Australia.


“P-TECH combines high school curriculum and tertiary-level training with workplace experiences focused on the digital skills that both industry and students need,” Mr Crouch said.


“I am delighted that Henry Kendall High School, Kariong Mountains High School and Tuggerah Lakes Senior College Tumbi Umbi campus will all benefit from this.


“This follows the highly successful implementation of the program at Wyong High School in 2017 and means that hundreds more students will attain industry opportunities from it.”


Minister for Skills and Tertiary Education Geoff Lee welcomed the P-TECH program as an innovative collaboration between industry and schools.


“P-TECH strengthens the connection between student learning and the skills that employers need. It improves young people’s prospects of employment,” Mr Lee said.


“We recognise the importance of industry-school partnership models. Since late 2018, another successful initiative, the Regional Industry Education Partnerships program, has created over 44,000 opportunities for students across NSW to engage with over 900 employers and industry partners.”


The P-TECH model runs as a five-year program starting in Year 10, and includes industry mentoring, worksite visits, internships and being first–in–line for a potential job with some industry partners.


It offers students studying for their High School Certificate an industry-supported pathway to a STEM-related diploma, advanced diploma or degree gaining training that the post-COVID economy will need. Through the P-TECH program, students have the option to continue their study at the tertiary level or pursue employment in a STEM-related field.