Free Legal Diary And Calendar For Seniors

08 Dec 2022 community_groups

Avoiding scams, planning for retirement, making a will or getting financial help are just some of the topics included in the free 2023 Legal Topics for Seniors Diary, which is now available for collection or ordering online.

A free 2023 Legal Topics for Seniors Wall Calendar is also available for seniors which includes important dates such as the NSW Seniors Festival, Grandparents Day and the school holidays.


Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast Adam Crouch said the 2023 Seniors Diary, produced annually by Legal Aid NSW, includes practical tips and information about common issues impacting seniors.


“Older people are impacted by a number of legal issues relevant to ageing,” Mr Crouch said.


“The information in the Legal Topics for Seniors Diary helps seniors to understand their rights, and details where they can access advice and support if they are experiencing discrimination, elder abuse or financial exploitation.


“Both the diary and calendar provide useful information in clear, straightforward language.”


“The diary and calendar speaks directly to seniors with topics and information to help them know when to take action on certain matters, or even act as a prompt to make sure their affairs are in order.”


The information in the diary and calendar could potentially help seniors avoid costly scams and start important conversations about wills and planning for the future.


The Seniors Diary and Seniors Calendar are some of the most important resources produced by Legal Aid NSW, helping seniors to understand and defend their rights.


Seniors can collect the 2023 Seniors Diary from their local Legal Aid NSW office, local Library, State Member of Parliament’s office, or order online here.


The 2023 Seniors Calendar is available at select locations or via online order.


The calendar and diary includes artwork by Aboriginal artist of Dharawal, Bidjigal and Dhungutti descent Garry Purchase.