Eviction Moratorium And Financial Payments To Support Tenants And Landlord

18 Aug 2021 cost_of_living

The NSW Government will increase its existing support for residential and commercial tenants and landlords in response to the State-wide COVID-19 lockdown.

Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast and Member for Terrigal Adam Crouch said the Residential Tenancy Support Package consists of $3,000 rent reductions plus a 60 day freeze on evictions.

“Residential landlords were previously offered a $1,500 payment per residential tenancy in return for providing a $1,500 rent reduction, but this has now been increased to $3,000,” Mr Crouch said.

“Tenants and landlords on the Central Coast are encouraged to access this financial support which is available now through the NSW Fair Trading website, or contact me directly for assistance.

“I personally want to ensure that no one slips through the cracks during this incredibly difficult time.”

More information about support for residential tenants and landlords is available here.

Mr Crouch said local businesses owners and their retail or commercial landlords could also receive support from the NSW Government.

“We have taken the significant step of re-introducing National Cabinet’s Mandatory Code of Conduct for Commercial Leasing, which mandates a minimum level of rent relief that retail or commercial landlords must provide to their tenants,” Mr Crouch said.

“This will cover a six-month period and is specifically targeted at the hardest hit businesses including cafes, restaurants, hair salons and gyms.

“For the first time, small retail or commercial landlords who waive rent for their tenants can also receive a monthly grant of up to $3,000 through a new $40 million Hardship Fund.”

More information about support for small business tenants and lessors, and retail or commercial landlords, is available here.