Erina Ice Arena To Receive Funding Boost

03 Feb 2022 sports

Erina Ice Arena is set to receive $592,395 through the NSW Governments Regional Sport Facility Fund.

Erina Ice Arena is among 41 regional NSW organisations to share in more than $24 million for new and upgraded sports facilities in Round 2 of the Fund.


Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast and Member for Terrigal said the awarding of funding was a welcome boost for regional sport which was hit hard by the COVID-19 restrictions.


“This funding boost will enable Erina Ice Arena to upgrade their current facilities, providing a premier inclusive venue for both International Ice Sport Tournaments and local community ice-skating activities, right in the heart of the Central Coast.


“The awarding of these grants provides renewed optimism that 2022 will be a better year for sport and recreation right across the regions.”


Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW Paul Toole said the Fund had provided more than $49 million over two years to increase participation and promote healthy lifestyles, with 41 sporting organisations successful in Round 2.


“COVID restrictions caused major challenges and these grants will be a welcome boost as the sporting sector recovers from the impacts of the pandemic.”


“2022 is shaping up as a great year for sport in regional NSW and this support will help people of all ages and abilities get active and enjoy the benefits.


“An important focus of the fund is encouraging the participation of girls and women and people with disability.”


For the full list of recipients and further information on the Fund visit: