Crouch Calls Out Bad Behaviour

26 Feb 2020 regional_development

Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast and Member for Terrigal Adam Crouch is calling for better standards from Labor MPs, with Member for The Entrance David Mehan ejected from Parliament last night for using expletives.

Mr Crouch said Mr Mehan had been ejected from Parliament for repeatedly saying “f***” when talking about The Entrance channel.


“I am shocked and appalled a Member of Parliament would think this language is appropriate,” Mr Crouch said.


“The Member for the Entrance continually interjected during a debate about The Entrance channel and resorted to using foul language.


“First the Labor Mayor had a meltdown on Facebook, and now the Labor Member has been thrown out of Parliament for being unable to control his own words.


“The people of the Central Coast may be resilient, but what they will not tolerate is bad behaviour from their elected representatives.”