COVID-19 Stimulus for Central Coast Council

27 Apr 2020 regional_development

Central Coast Council will receive a share of the NSW Government’s $395 million local government stimulus package that aims to reduce the impact of COVID-19.

Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast and Member for Terrigal Adam Crouch said the funding would help to safeguard jobs and service and infrastructure delivery.


“Central Coast Council is a major provider of jobs in our region and therefore plays a significant role in responding to events like COVID-19,” Mr Crouch said.


“As council staff were not eligible for the Commonwealth’s JobKeeper Payment, the NSW Government is providing $112.5 million to fund a Council Job Retention Allowance of $1,500 per fortnight for three months.


“The package also includes $32.76 million to fund the increase in the Emergency Services Levy for all local councils for 2020-21. This means Central Coast Council can redirect more funding into providing services and building infrastructure.


“Low-cost loans can also be used by Council to fund infrastructure projects, thanks to a $250 million boost to the TCorp local government lending facility.”


Minister for Local Government Shelley Hancock said the comprehensive COVID-19 stimulus package would trigger economic recovery in local communities.


“The Government is determined to limit the impacts of COVID-19 on local councils so they can continue to deliver for their local communities,” Mrs Hancock said.


Central Coast Mayor Lisa Matthews said this was a welcome announcement from the State Government which will secure much needed employment for our region.


“Local government plays a critical role in keeping locals in jobs and keeping the economy going,” Mayor Matthews said.


“As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, Council has actively sought opportunities like this – including signing up to the Local Government (COVID-19) Splinter Award 2020 – to secure employment for our workers, and in turn support the many local businesses we work with.


“We know many people are doing it tough during this time and this stimulus package is one-way Council is able to help keep locals, Council workers and contractors employed, and positively contribute to our economy.”