Central Coast Youth Collective to boost Mental Health and Wellbeing

10 Mar 2020 community_groups

A grassroots Central Coast Youth Collective will be established to provide direct support for young people facing issues such as mental illness, bullying, drug use and family violence, thanks to funding from the NSW Government.

Minister for Regional Youth Bronnie Taylor and Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast Adam Crouch today announced $436,689 from the Stronger Country Communities Fund to form the youth collective and fund its initiatives.


“It’s just fantastic to see local organisations come together through the Central Coast Youth Collective to deliver workshops for local school students and an online forum to empower the wider community with information about mental illness,” Mrs Taylor said.


“The key challenges identified for young people living locally will be tackled with a structured program that will be delivered over three years.


“A range of topics will be covered including resilience and high school survival, respectful relationships and healthy living.


“This project is a great example of the NSW Government’s commitment to improve the lives of regional youth, and it’s just one of more than 250 youth focussed projects being delivered across the state this year.”


Mr Crouch congratulated Regional Youth Support Services (RYSS), who secured the funding and will lead the Central Coast Youth Collective.


“RYSS already do a fantastic job and this new Youth Collective will deliver exactly the kind of early intervention mental health and wellbeing support our community needs,” Mr Crouch said.


“Lifeline, Headspace and Coast Shelter are just a few of the organisations who will be involved.


“The funding will be used for employment and training of local staff who facilitate the workshops, online forum and any additional support services.”


For more information, go to: www.nsw.gov.au/SCCF.