Central Coast Sporting Facilities In Line For Upgrades

15 Nov 2021 sports

Sporting communities across the Central Coast will soon have access to revitalised facilities after work began today on a project that will see 16 sporting grounds upgraded across our region.

Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast and Member for Terrigal Adam Crouch said the $11 million package of works will improve facilities, boost sporting participation and attract more visitors to our region.  


“By enhancing 16 sporting grounds and facilities, which cater to a range of sporting codes, it’s going to make participating more enjoyable for athletes of all levels and ages,” Mr Crouch said.


“The project, which includes upgrades at the Central Coast Regional Sports and Recreation Complex at Tuggerah, will also help attract elite sports to the region.


“Additionally, these upgrades are expected to provide an economic boost for our region, creating work for local tradies, businesses and suppliers.


“I am absolutely delighted to see these works finally commencing. Sport plays such a crucial role in our day to day lives. It is important we continue to invest in upgrading our sporting facilities to ensure we provide our community with the best possible grounds to play on.”


Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW Paul Toole said the NSW Government will continue to invest in projects that will provide local stimulus and improve community facilities.


“After a tough couple of years, we’re committed to making sure that regional NSW continues to be a great place to live, work and visit,” Mr Toole said.


“That’s why we’re getting on with the job and investing in creating jobs and better infrastructure for our regions through projects like this.”


This project is funded under the NSW Government’s $3 billion Infrastructure and Job Acceleration Fund.


Sport oval or facility

·         Blue Haven Oval

·         Buff Point Oval

·         Darren Kennedy Oval

·         Hylton Moore Oval

·         Paul Oval

·         Kariong Oval

·         Patrick Croke Oval

·         Paddy Clifton Oval

·         Pandala Oval

·         Sohier Park

·         NorthLakes Oval

·         Don Small Oval

·         Terrigal BMX Facility

·         Central Coast Regional Sports and Recreation Complex

·         Alan Davidson Oval

·         Maidens Brush Oval