Affordable Housing Fast-Tracked in Gosford

22 Jul 2020 regional_development

The NSW Government has approved a 41-unit affordable housing development on the Central Coast, providing a major boost to the local economy and helping to relieve housing stress in the heart of Gosford.

Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast and Member for Terrigal Adam Crouch said the project, to be located at 56-58 Beane Street, has been fast-tracked through the NSW Government’s Planning System Acceleration Program.


“The project will engage local builders and suppliers, creating 45 jobs during construction and injecting $10 million into the economy,” Mr Crouch said.


“This affordable housing is located nearby transport links and a range of essential services and facilities like Imperial Shopping Centre and Kibble Park.


“It is one of many projects the NSW Government is undertaking to revitalise the City Centre and make Gosford great again.”


Minister for Water, Property and Housing Melinda Pavey said the project will see a vacant lot of land transformed into a contemporary seven-storey building that will deliver dozens of safe and comfortable new homes.


“As our communities begin to recover from the impacts of COVID-19, social housing projects like this inject much-needed jobs, and provide fit-for-purpose new homes for those who need them most,” Mrs Pavey said.


“These homes are being built to the highest standards, setting a new benchmark for local design and quality, and are located close to employment and vital community services such as schools, hospitals and transport links to help ensure better outcomes for tenants.”


The Beane Street development comprises 20 one-bedroom and 21 two-bedroom units with basement parking for 19 vehicles, bicycle and motorbike spaces, rooftop solar for energy efficiency, and extensive landscaping works.


The development is part of the NSW Government’s Future Directions for Social Housing – a plan to drive better outcomes for tenants by providing more and better social housing.


The NSW Land and Housing Corporation is delivering the project and construction is expected to commence in August.