$4.8 million in free money still unclaimed

16 Dec 2020

The NSW Government is urging Central Coast residents to check if they have any unclaimed money held by Revenue NSW, and possibly walk away with some extra cash to spend this Christmas.

Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast and Member for Terrigal Adam Crouch said a total of $4,800,605 is sitting with Revenue NSW, waiting to be reunited with its rightful owners.


“This isn’t the Government’s money – it belongs to people in our community and I encourage everyone to go online and check whether they can claim back any money,” Mr Crouch said.


“Typically this includes share dividends, trust accounts, refunds, commissions, deceased estates and money from a range of other sources.


“It’s easy to check if you have unclaimed money. Go to the Revenue NSW website, search your name to identify any money that is waiting to be claimed, and if there is any, lodge a claim.


“It only takes a few minutes and you could walk away with some extra Christmas cash in your pocket to spend during the summer holidays.”


Revenue NSW, a NSW Government agency, is currently holding over one million unclaimed items from private companies, State Trustees, local councils and other Government agencies that can’t be returned to the owner because their contact details are out-of-date.


Unclaimed money is held indefinitely until it is claimed.


For more information, go to: www.revenue.nsw.gov.au/unclaimed-money.