$495,000 For Dredging At The Entrance

06 Aug 2021 environment

Central Coast Council has been awarded $495,000 in NSW Government funding to dredge The Entrance channel.

Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast and Member for Terrigal Adam Crouch said a long-term dredging strategy is required to address the natural shoaling of sand, which causes The Entrance channel to intermittently close.

“Dredging is needed to maintain tidal flows between Tuggerah Lake and the ocean, and to reduce the flood risk in low-lying areas around the Lake’s perimeter,” Mr Crouch said.

“I have made sure that all of the relevant authorities including Council, the EPA, the Maritime Infrastructure Delivery Office, Crown Lands and the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment proactively communicate and work together so that this dredging can happen.

“Our community expects and deserves dredging to be a priority at The Entrance and that is why the NSW Government is providing $495,000 for Council to get it done.”

Council Administrator Rik Hart said he was pleased that grant funding had been confirmed for next year’s dredging program.

“The Entrance channel is a dynamic coastal environment with Council and consultant Manly Hydraulics Laboratory currently part way through developing an interim entrance management strategy for Tuggerah Lakes,” Mr Hart said.

“This funding will support the preparation of a dredging strategy and a small scale dredging program of the channel and sand berm area during 2022.”

Minister for Transport and Roads Andrew Constance said Councils are responsible for delivering and managing their projects, which includes obtaining necessary approvals.

“All projects funded under the NSW Government’s Boating Access Dredging Program must be completed within 18 months of securing funding,” Mr Constance said.