$300,000 Upgrade For Piles Creek Loop

28 Apr 2021 environment

Piles Creek Loop walking track, one of the most popular attractions in Brisbane Water National Park, will receive a $300,000 upgrade funded by the NSW Government.

Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast and Member for Terrigal Adam Crouch said the works would significantly improve visitor access and better protect the environment surrounding the Piles Creek Loop.


“The works will cover approximately 450 metres of the challenging track and involve the repair and levelling of the existing track surface to prevent future erosion, as well as the installation of new stone steps and stepping stones,” Mr Crouch said.


“Piles Creek Loop is one of the Central Coast’s must-do walks, and these upgrades will make the track safer for visitors by offering a well-defined, easy-to-navigate trail.


“The upgrades will also reduce the potential for walkers to inadvertently damage the surrounding vegetation and native habitat.


“Brisbane Water National Park is home to a staggering 270 different animal species, including the vulnerable Powerful Owl and the threatened spotted tail quoll. The Park also protects Coastal Upland Swamp, an endangered ecological community which is only found in the Sydney Basin.”


Works are expected to commence next week and take 10 to 12 weeks, weather-dependent.


Due to the remote location, equipment and materials will be airlifted by helicopter to construction sites. Temporary track closures will be required during the construction period to ensure visitor safety. Signage will be erected at all known formal entrances to the track.


The Piles Creek Loop walking track upgrade forms part of the NSW Government’s unprecedented $257 million investment in national park visitor infrastructure.


For more information, go to: www.nationalparks.nsw.gov.au/things-to-do/walking-tracks/piles-creek-loop/local-alerts